Louisiana’s “Judicial Hellhole®” Status Costs Residents $965 Annually In “Tort Tax”
Nuclear Verdicts® and Insurance Fraud Plague State’s Legal System
(Tex., filed August 30, 2023): Arguing that Sec. 82.008 “Compliance with Government Standards” protects manufacturers from tort liability if their products comply with all federal safety standards. For Section 82.008 to have meaning, courts must distinguish whether a regulation as a whole is inadequate from whether a particular product is defective. Plaintiff’s experts here did not provide the type of evidence necessary to overcome the Section 82.008(a) defense by establishing the inadequacy of federal safety standards. A fundamental principle of products-liability law is that a manufacturer need not destroy a product’s utility to make it safer.
Nuclear Verdicts® and Insurance Fraud Plague State’s Legal System
New Report Ranks Seattle-Area Courts Among Worst in US
$1,046/Person ‘Tort Tax’ — Court Expands Liability, Michiganders Pay
Courts Threaten Preemie Formula Access, Residents Pay $1,475/Person/Year ‘Tort Tax’
Report Ranks County 6th Worst ‘Judicial Hellhole®’
Lawsuit Abuse Costs Every Californian $2,300 Annually, Kills 825,000 Jobs