Louisiana’s “Judicial Hellhole®” Status Costs Residents $965 Annually In “Tort Tax”
Nuclear Verdicts® and Insurance Fraud Plague State’s Legal System
(New York, filed in February of 2016): Arguing that consolidation of asbestos-based personal injury actions for trial violates CPLR 602(a) where the actions differ with respect to the worksites, occupations, products, durations of exposure, diseases, plaintiff health statuses, defendants, and legal theories at issue, and where the defendants are prejudiced by jury confusion and the mutual bolstering of each claim’s likelihood of success.
Nuclear Verdicts® and Insurance Fraud Plague State’s Legal System
New Report Ranks Seattle-Area Courts Among Worst in US
$1,046/Person ‘Tort Tax’ — Court Expands Liability, Michiganders Pay
Courts Threaten Preemie Formula Access, Residents Pay $1,475/Person/Year ‘Tort Tax’
Report Ranks County 6th Worst ‘Judicial Hellhole®’
Lawsuit Abuse Costs Every Californian $2,300 Annually, Kills 825,000 Jobs